Case Study

Revolutionizing a Leading Manufacturer’s Customer Engagement and Financial Performance

How a premier chemical manufacturer revolutionized customer engagement and achieved financial growth by partnering with Systech Solutions for data-driven insights and analytics


A leading manufacturer in the chemical industry, regionally headquartered in Singapore, serves an extensive customer base across Asia and the Asia Pacific region. 


Leading the charge in the intermediary product sector, this top chemical manufacturer’s Performance Material Division focused on deep customer understanding. They established a business excellence group to analyze customer behaviors and challenges, aiming to anticipate needs and drive profitability.

Recognizing the complexity and scale of this endeavor, the division partnered with Systech Solutions, tapping into Systech’s expertize in Data Integration, Management, Machine Learning and Analytics. 


The company faced challenges due to information silos, lacking a consistent and unified view of critical data. An overabundance of dashboards and insights & analytics led to conflicting metrics, resulting in inefficiencies and information access delays. 


Systech Solutions developed an analytical solution that: 

  1. Unified Data Sources: Created a single source of truth, empowering business users to analyze customer journeys and behaviors comprehensively.
  2. Implemented Customer Sentiment Analysis: Utilized the Net Promoter Score (NPS) for customer surveys and sentiment analysis, categorizing feedback for actionable insights. 
  3. Enhanced Financial insights & analytics: Streamlined the process for financial analysis and comparison, improving the financial dashboard for more informed decision-making. 

Azure Services Used: 

  • Azure SQL DB 
  • Azure ADF (Azure Data Factory) 
  • Azure Key Vault 
  • Azure ADLS (Azure Data Lake Storage) 


  • Standardized KPI Definitions: Ensured consistent visibility and accurate tracking of business KPIs. 
  • Centralized Data Management: Reduced data quality issues and minimized resource expenditures. 
  • Enabled Comprehensive Metrics Analysis: Facilitated decision-making through the centralization of data assets. 
  • Cost-to-Serve Optimization: Conducted a thorough analysis to optimize customer servicing costs across regions. 


The partnership with Systech Solutions led to significant advancements: 

  • Elevated Customer Insights: Fostered proactive engagement and strengthened customer relationships. 
  • Increased Operational Efficiency: Streamlined key processes, reducing both time and costs associated with data management. 
  • Strategic Business Decisions: Enabled informed decision-making through a robust data-supported framework. 


The implementation of the analytical solution marked a paradigm shift, transitioning from manual data handling to strategic, data-driven actions. This initiative not only boosted operational efficiency but also redefined the company’s approach to customer engagement, establishing a new benchmark within the industry.